I should probably back up and explain a little further what happened with the very first deodorant, Tom's of Maine®. Not only was it not keeping me dry, but it did sting a lot of the time when I put it on. It wasn't just burning when I put it on after shaving, but burning a lot in general. It left a red mark in my armpit (I know you're loving hearing about this, but this is the real deal) that did not go away even as I was switching deodorants. The Jason® deodorant hadn't been burning but it was making my armpit, in the region where I apply deodorant, sort of darker in color and more brown. I am pretty fair-skinned so this new coloring is pretty obvious and not attractive at all. I really don't know what is causing it. I read the labels of both of the deodorants and I shouldn't be allergic to anything in them. It is very, very strange but it led me switching deodorants again, for a fourth time.
This time, I chose Crystal® Essence Pomegranate. I have used Crystal® before. The last time I bought it was years ago when I used the mineral rock and I found that no matter how much I dampened the rock-crystal-thingy, I never felt like it was really taking to my skin. So then, I was still smelly, like I never even bothered to put anything on. Despite that incident, I thought that I would try this "essence" kind since it is a spray, meaning that I will know that something is actually being applied when I use it. I picked it mostly because there are only three ingredients: water, mineral salts, and pomegranate scent. Easy-peasy Lemon-squeezy.
I'm really hoping that if I take a few days and use this new deodorant, my armpits will go back to their normal color and I can stop dreading sleeveless tops. It's Summer dammit, and I want my sleeveless tops!! So far, this Crystal® deodorant has been working pretty well. I feel dry and clean for the most part but this time, I'm maintaining skeptical about it until I know for sure that it's not trying to sabotage me like the last deodorants. Hopefully I will be cheesy no-longer pretty soon. If the coloring doesn't go away soon I will see a doctor, but lets hope it doesn't have to come to that. Fingers crossed!
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